Sitting in the center of New York Harbor is our Statue of
Liberty. A gift from our long-term ally France, it is one of our most iconic
images, recognized the world over as a symbol of freedom, equality and
opportunity. Holding her torch high in her right hand, she lights the way towards
those ideals not just for the physical immigrant arriving on our shores, but
for the aspirational immigrants who seek a better life for self, family and
neighbors in their own country.
America has shown the way for the world over four centuries.
It has led not by force, but by ideals and example. Showing what can be
possible, we have been respected by being respectful, serving as the yardstick
for progress in the great human endeavor. Until the week of June 8 through
15, 2018. It was a week when all seemed to come apart, when America the noble
became America the ignoble, and the light dimmed in Lady Liberty’s bright lamp.
First came a meeting of the G-7 group of our most
longstanding allies since WW II. In the months preceding this gathering, Donald
Trump unilaterally pulled us out of the Iran nuclear treaty negotiated together
with some of these world leaders. At the G-7 meeting, he then imposed new
tariffs on these valued trading partners. He justified tariffs against Canada
as required because “our [non-existent] $100B trade deficit with them
constituted a threat to our national security.” Canada? A threat to our
security? Understandably, Prime Minister Trudeau threatened retaliatory tariffs
against the U.S., while saying that “Canadians would not be pushed around.”
Trump and his advisors responded as they usually do when challenged: they
resorted to name-calling and insults, incapable of conducting a respectful, intelligent,
fact-based discussion. Further insulting our apparently unimportant friends,
Trump rudely arrived late to the gathering, then left it early. In-between he
called for his best friend Vladimir Putin to be re-admitted to the group in
spite of Russia’s previous expulsion due to its military aggression in Eastern
Europe. Meanwhile, each national leader returned home to determine their own
individual courses of future action. No wonder Donald Trump is despised by the
general populations of most of our allied countries.
Then it was off in a whirlwind to Singapore for a summit
meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. It was an off-again / on-again meeting,
with hardly any planning for the substance of the talks versus the theatrics.
Trump was embarrassingly effusive in his non-stop praise of Kim: “smart,
strong, funny”; “loves his people, his people love him”; “we had a real
chemistry”; “I trust him” – ignoring the poverty, the killings, and abuse of
human rights that this absolute dictator exercises. Kim got everything he could
have wanted: a rogue nation led by a leader now on par with the President of
the United States; an offer to lift economic sanctions and encourage external investment;
a unilateral end to US/South Korean war exercises (originally recommended by
Putin) – an unwelcome surprise to South Korea, Japan and our own military. The
U.S. got a promise “to explore denuclearization on the Korean peninsula” with
no specific worksteps or timetable – a promise violated many times before by
Kim’s father and grandfather. It was, simply, a big theatrical “photo op” of no
material substance and a “signing ceremony” of a de facto blank page. Our
negotiator-in-chief got snookered by the lack of any real negotiation.
A day later, the Inspector General of the Department of
Justice released the results of an internal probe specifically and narrowly
focused on the DOJ’s and FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email
investigation. The conclusions? 1: James Comey did not follow proper protocols
and chain of command authorizations in his public announcements. 2: The
decision not to prosecute Clinton was correct based upon the evidence. 3: Political
bias did not drive the investigation or its conclusions. Trump claimed that the
IG report fully exonerated him of any collusion with Russia in the 2016
campaign, and that the Mueller investigation was improperly initiated. In fact,
neither issue was within the scope of the IG’s investigation or conclusions.
On Friday, Paul Manafort, one of Trump’s several campaign
managers, had his bail revoked due to witness tampering. He was then sent immediately
to jail to await his two upcoming trials. He had spent months talking defiantly
about fighting his multiple indictments, sitting in his million-dollar home
dressed in his thousand-dollar suits. Will that song change when he is sitting
in a small, solitary cell dressed in an orange jumpsuit surrounded by an
unsavory jail population?
On Friday, it was revealed that over 2500 immigrant children
arriving at the Mexican border, from babies to teens, had been pulled away from
their parents and sent off to various holding centers. It reflected a new “zero
tolerance” immigration policy from Trump/Jeff Sessions against illegal
immigrants and legal asylum seekers, all treated the same. Ill-prepared Administration
agencies are unable to verify where each child went, which child belongs to
which parent, or how (or when) these families are to be reunited. The news led
to an immediate explosion of condemnation from virtually all quarters of the
country: all living first ladies; bi-partisan politicians; religious, charity
and medical groups; governors and national guard units; police and social
workers; and the public at large. Trump typically tried to blame everyone else
but himself: “it’s the law” (no); “it’s the Democrats’ fault” (no); “Obama and
Bush did it” (non-comparable situations with minimal numbers); “it can’t be
changed by Executive Order” (disproven five days later when Trump changed
course and issued such an Order). Concurrently, Trump did what Trump does best:
stoking our worst fears by demonizing these migrants as subhuman criminals
“infesting” and threatening our country. The policies were ultimately
acknowledged to be a (cynical) negotiating strategy to force the passage of
Trump’s border wall and other immigration measures. Nevertheless, the pictures
of crying children – all alone, sleeping on mats on the floor, held in cages or
dormitory “camps” – rightly managed to shake this country’s sense of itself and
its values as no other outrage has done.
In ordinary times with a normal president, any one of these
stories would be the headline news and national discussion for weeks. Instead,
in these unordinary times with an abnormal president, all of these happened in
just one week. Generating dizzying volumes of stories is the Administration’s priority;
planning, substance and follow-though are unimportant; competency is
irrelevant; chaos is the intended tactical result. The public is left
increasingly exhausted.
The pictures of these isolated kids and weeping parents was
just the final culmination to this week from hell. We continue to say, “it
can’t get any worse.” And then it gets worse. The current public and
institutional outcry may reflect the country nearly at a breaking point. The daily
barrage of White House lies and misrepresentations is bringing trust between
the people and their government to its lowest point. Lady Liberty’s lamp is still
lit, but its intensity has dimmed greatly, making it hard to see our path
forward in the political darkness. We were promised to “make America great
again.” So far, America – once the great beacon of light for trust, hope, and
good will for all – now simply seems lost, unadmired, unexceptional, increasingly
© 2018
Randy Bell
Thanks for these , Randy. I have gotten behind, but read the last 2 which were very very interesting ...your perspective gives me hope. I also just hope I can hang in there til 2026 to see that there can be hope ( hopefully!).
I loathe this administration.
Excellent blog Randy! Sadly, far too many people will ignore facts and continue to support this abhorrent behavior.
Thanks for your blog, Randy — Such challenging times we are in!
Well said, Randy. I am feeling dispirited and anxious. Having difficulty watching the news.
I firmly support impeaching the SOB, but sadly the gutless Republicans in Congress insist on giving Trump a free ride. So let's all get off our collective you-know-whats and work hard to to elect as many Democrats as we can in the upcoming mid-term election. With Mueller's report complete (if it ever does get finished) and a Democratic Congress in place, I'm confident that impeachment can be successful. The blowback from the Republican base will be great, but we must suffer those consequences as it's imperative to get rid of the juvenile, narcissistic, deranged, pathological liar who currently occupies the White House. Trump has called it "that dump." I say DUMP TRUMP!
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