Donald Trump was not my preference to be the next President
of the United States. Nor did I vote for him. I cannot make these two
statements strongly enough. I am still trying to get my head around how someone
that angry, thin-skinned, disrespectful, and ill-prepared could be elected
President after such a divisive and untruthful campaign.
That said, Donald Trump will be my President come January
20th. That decision has been made, because that is how our American democracy
works. Candidates present themselves; an election is held; a winner is
determined. Sometimes our preference wins; sometimes our preference loses. My
track record for results over my adult life is mixed, as should be expected.
This time, by rules well-known in advance, my choice between the two
major-party candidates lost.
Hillary Clinton was an imperfect campaigner at best,
regardless of what kind of president she would have made. Given much of the
public’s negative opinion of her – for whatever nonsensical or justifiable
reasons – she needed to be the best. Hilary did not lose because of FBI
Director James Comey’s atrocious handling of her email investigation
concurrently with the campaign. Nor did she lose because of Russian hacking
into the DNC and Clinton campaign’s computers, and their interference on behalf
of Trump – which clearly happened and is a significant intrusion into our
sovereignty demanding a response. Nor did she lose because the Electoral
College is an antiquated device that supposedly thwarts the will of the people.
(See the 11/30/2016 posting to this blog site – “Defending the Electoral
College.”) She lost because the American electorate demanded a substantial change
in the status quo. It was a revolt by a powerless middle-class America against
being left out and behind a changing global economy and social landscape that has
favored a few insiders. A manifestation of years of less-than-20% approval
ratings of ineffective Congresses and their self-interested leaders more focused
on gaining power for themselves rather than serving the people’s needs. A
two-party political system that provides no home and no candidates for the
majority political demographic of Independent voters. Hillary was not seen as
the needed response to that dissatisfaction.
Early in 2016, in response to questions then being asked
about the Trump phenomenon, I said that the real story was not about Trump
himself, but about the Trump voter – and why they were so willing to overlook
his outrageous (and untruthful) statements and actions. It was a story Clinton
never read, lulled into the faith that traditional voters would show up, even
though Bernie Sanders showed that story to her within the Democratic Party
itself. Clinton, the ultimate and best-prepared policy wonk, had all the papers
prepared for a message not enough voters were looking to hear. Papers that she
was never able to reduce to simple, comprehensible themes about what she would
do to respond to these voters. She was the wrong person at the wrong time, in
spite of all her years of commendable public service.
It was a hard loss, yes. And a missed opportunity to show
that even the presidency is finally now gender-neutral. But when you are
worried about holding onto your job (with few alternatives in view), providing
for your family’s well-being and security, and maintaining a way of life you
have firmly believed in, then you are able to make some choices that may look
questionable on their face (e.g. Evangelical support for a faux-religious
Trump). Instead of reaching out to that discouraged and disaffected audience,
Clinton wrote them off as racist and deplorables. Some Trump voters no doubt
are, just as some Clinton supporters have behaved inexcusably to their fellow
Americans. Writing off those Trump supporters was the biggest blunder of her
campaign. The “Trump voter” was not only Republican, but also Democrat and
Independent. The Democratic base progressively shrunk; Republicans won votes
but no new party loyalists.
So Clinton won the votes but lost the country. Trump lost
the vote but won the country. He won fairly, even if perhaps not so square, and
in spite of his claims that the election was “rigged” – which it most certainly
was not. When you lose, you lose. Among America’s many problems, we have been
suffering nationally from an inability to accept defeat graciously, whether it
is Obama’s wins in 2008 and 2012, or the passing of Obamacare, or judicial
decisions on gay marriage, or continuing wars overseas. We demand our way or
not at all; we accept no defeat, but keep fighting rear-guard battles
unendingly. As a consequence, we have had few new ideas put forth on our
political agenda, and made little progress on many unresolved problems. We are
too busy refighting old issues over and over again – a political equivalent of
“Groundhog Day.”
It is time to quit litigating and replaying this election,
however unhappy one may be. Al Gore had a legitimate basis for challenging the
Florida election results in 2000. Jill Stein’s Green Party has wasted millions
of good dollars asking for multiple recounts with no reasonable basis for doing
so. The Clinton campaign team’s support in those efforts was not helpful, if
not unseemly. Ditto the efforts to change the Electoral College vote, which was
destined to fail, just as was Ted Cruise’s efforts to undo Trump’s nomination
victory after-the fact at the Republican Convention.
It is past time to close the book on this 2016 election, as
painful and legitimately frightening as it may feel. Starting on January 21st,
changes of direction and issues of real substance will begin arising very
quickly. In some instances, people may be surprised to find some unexpected agreement
with these new directions. In other instances, not. I certainly have concerns
about where Donald Trump’s character, personality, and thinking may try to take
this country. When it is what we may consider a “wrong” direction, he and his
Team should be resisted. Not by name-calling, or speculation, or knee-jerk negative
responses such as we saw misdirected at Obama for eight years. But rather by
arguments of reason that seek accommodation and mutual benefit. Regardless of
the side of the aisle on which our beliefs sit, there will be many battles to be
fought over our country’s future. Battles with surprising alternating winners
and losers on each side. Right now everyone needs to take a holiday break,
conserve their energies, prepare to pick high-value battles worthy of fighting,
and substantiate their arguments in the ensuing debates.
We can choose once again to divide up and yell at each
hunkered down in our separate end zones, or we can try to march upfield and
meet one another at the 50-yarrd line and find some mutual accommodation. The
choice is up to us. But the election is over. “The fat lady has sung.” It is
not about what was or could have been. It is all about what comes next.
© 2016
Randy Bell
I couldn't agree more, R.M.
Right again. Merry Christmas ole friend. Would love to chat in person some day. You know I’m proud of what you represent and your fantastic way of communication, best.
"It is all about what comes next." Very scary stuff. It's the American people who will suffer.
Good blog!
Right on. There is much waving of arms and running in circles.
You are so clear and spot on. The old spiritual that says "God's going to trouble the waters" keeps ringing in my ears. What happened maybe needed to happen to wake us up. The general feeling right now for many is that we sense and see some unknown and troubling waters ahead. At this time we need more people like yourself whose understanding and vision can help us navigate...if only we will listen.
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