Friday, March 6, 2015

Showing How To Govern

In the November 2014 elections, the Republican Party increased their majority in the House of Representatives by a substantial margin, and took control of the Senate for the first time since 2008.  With this new domination of Congress, Republicans issued forth the word that this was their opportunity, their obligation, to “show the American people that we know how to govern.”  For a citizenry worn tired of political opportunism and obfuscation, of threats to “shut the government down” or defaulting on our national debt, such a new governing ability would certainly be a welcome sight.  Two months in, how is this new governing working out?  We perhaps only need look at a recent chronology to help answer that question.  The narrative speaks for itself.

November 2014: After years of non-action on illegal immigration going back to the George W. Bush administration, President Obama announced an Executive Order exempting from deportation those illegal aliens that are parents of children legally in this country.  The Republican Right goes ballistic.

December 2014: The lame duck Republican House and Democratic Senate passed the still pending budget for FY 2014-2015 that had started the previous October 1.  Republican-desired budget cuts were omitted, but talk about another forced government shutdown (a la the October 2013 shutdown blamed on Republicans) was put aside.  EXCEPT that the budget for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was continued only to February 27, 2015.  The strategy was to wait until the new Congress (and their majorities) would be sworn in come January, and then fight the immigration battle using the DHS budget as a negotiating hostage.

January 2015: House voted for the 57th time to repeal Obamacare.  No alternative health care initiative proposed.  Died in the Senate (as usual) even with the new Republican majority in charge.  Nothing appeared to be changed, still fighting old battles.

Early February 2015: House passed a DHS funding bill containing a provision to defund Obama’s executive order.  Senate Democrats blocked consideration of that bill using the filibuster tactic Republicans had perfected over the past four years.  Same maneuverings; switched players.

Late February 2015: Federal judge in Texas halted implementation of Obama’s executive order.  That decision is now under appeal, with resolution expected to take many months.

February 27, 2015: (morning)  No DHS funding legislation had moved forward in spite of the midnight deadline for funding to run out.  Senate Majority Leader McConnell allows a vote on a “clean” funding bill stripped of any reference to the executive order.  The face-saving rationale offered is “let it play out in the courts.”  Passes 68-31.  “Republicans should have never tried to include immigration measures in the DHS bill in the first place.  Hopefully we are going to end attaching bulls**t to essential items of government.”  (Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Il.)

(afternoon)  Speaker John Boehner introduced an interim 3-week funding bill to allow more time for his Republican caucus to find a solution.  To his surprise (and miscounting of potential voting), House Democrats and 52 conservative Republicans defeat his compromise – generally described as an “embarrassment and humiliating setback” for the Speaker.

(early evening)  House pushes for a House/Senate “conference committee” to resolve the impasse in hopes such a committee could revise a “clean” bill by adding back in the immigration de-funding legislation.  Senate Democrats block that bill.  Instead, Senate passes an alternative 1-week continuation bill on a voice vote.  Senate members go home for the night.  “It is [the House’s] problem now.”

(late evening)  Speaker Boehner brings up the Senate’s bill for a 1-week delay.  Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi emails her caucus and encourages them to vote for the 1-week option, “having been assured that the House would take up the Senate’s clean, full-year funding bill next week.”  1-week bill passes 357-60.  (60 Republicans opposed.)

(minutes before midnight)  President Obama signs the 1-week extension.  DHS funding continues for another week.

February 28-March 1 Weekend: Debate continues via weekend news shows and individual interviews.  Boehner’s office denies making any promise to consider the Senate’s clean bill during the next week.  He instead calls for Democrats and Obama to “negotiate.”  House Republicans publicly fight among themselves over who are the “true” versus “phony” conservatives; whether to “stand on principle” or “not let this faction … impede what we’re trying to do.”  Speaker Boehner: “Friday wasn’t all that fun … the House is a rambunctious place.”

March 3, 2015:  In spite of his weekend denials, Speaker Boehner brought up the Senate’s bill, containing no reference to the Obama executive order, for a House vote.  257 votes for (182 Democrats, 75 Republicans); 167 against (all Republicans).   (Once it was clear that the bill was going to pass, 125 additional Republicans apparently decided it was “safe” to join the core 52 conservatives in saying “no” for the voting record.)  “Maybe I should be more angry, but I’m not.  I’m just sort of resigned to the fact this is exactly where I knew we would be.”  (Rep. Mick Mulvaney, R-SC)  “This is the signal of capitulation.”  (Rep. Steve King, R-IA)  “Sanity is prevailing.  I do give John Boehner credit.”  (Rep. Peter King, R-NY)

So finally DHS is funded through September so that it can go about its business of protecting the country in these inordinately dangerous times.  The fight over illegal immigration will have to await another more appropriate time and place – likely a protracted battle in the courts.

And our assessment of “the new governance” we were promised?  Seems to look a lot like the old governance.  Using budget bills to push for other unrelated pet parochial goals.  Holding legislation affecting core governmental functions hostage to these same unrelated goals.  Using threats of a government shutdown to get one’s way – despite the bad precedence and public distaste for that tactic.  Playing the political theater of cliff-hanger deadlines before anything finally gets done – the “decision-making by crisis” mentality.  A Party that fights among itself as much as with its opposition.  Pursuing political strategies that cannot win, with no “Plan B” to fall back on.  Continuing to fight old battles that have been settled instead of moving on to deal with current issues.  Strictly in opposition while offering no alternative solutions.

I cannot imagine that anyone, whether a liberal lefty or a conservative righty, or one of the dominant middle-roaders, thinks this is any way to run a government.  Or could be happy with their Congress regardless of where one falls in the political spectrum.  For all our talk about our greater mission to bring democracy to the world, we – the country that invented elected representative government – have become anything but a shining example of how democracy is supposed to work.  We do the “elected” part; but we no longer govern.  We confront, not collaborate.  The only thing Congress can seem to accomplish together is to agree to adjourn early to beat the snow to be on time for their next vacation recess.

©  2015   Randy Bell      

1 comment:

Mr. Paulie said...

Referring to your statement that "we do the elected part", it's becoming all too clear that the Republicans are doing their best to sabotage the election process through stringent voter ID requirements. It's just another attempt on their part (remember the poll tax?) to suppress voting that's not in their interest.

You're RIGHT ON with your latest blog. Keep up the good work.