“First they ignore
you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
—Mahatma Gandhi
Part 1 of this blog posting was a brief look at some of our
internal conflicts and divisions since our founding. That review affirmed that
America has always had its debates, its divisions of belief, its continual
adjustments of what “America” means and aspires to be. We are highly unlikely
to ever escape this heritage. Instead, the questions are a) how to manage our divisions in such a way so as
to not tear ourselves apart and collapse, and b) how to build on our divisions towards something better for all. We will
not succeed by futilely trying to eliminate conflict. We will succeed by
following the precedent of our Founders in developing better skills at working
together to resolve conflicts.
We continue this discussion with another brief review – i.e.
where we are today. As a result of our current divisions, collective solutions
are rarely found; our progress as a nation is near-frozen in place. In the last
seven presidential elections, in only three did the winner get 50% or more of
the popular vote; two elections were won in the Electoral College with less
than the majority popular vote. Today, minimalistic short-term gains are hailed
as major agreements; small-minded thinking edges out big-picture vision and
creative aspirations. We have not passed a real national annual budget in
years, versus a series of short-term “continuing resolutions” that keep
spending on a status quo with no hard decisions made. The evil economic Armageddon
of budget deficits is swept under the rug in the pursuit of a Christmas tax cut
for (supposedly) everyone, a cut that disguises rewards to special interests and
is built upon a disproven economic theory called “trickle down.” Paying taxes
is resented, but the benefits and services received back from those tax
payments go unrecognized and unappreciated. The states paying the least taxes
receive back the most in tax benefits; the “reddest” conservative states advocating
a limited role for government make up the bottom ratings of most all economic
and social measures.
With our institutions, many supposedly “non-profit”
charities, hospitals and cultural organizations have become de facto for-profit
bodies. Public education, the traditional path to upward mobility that most of
us benefited from in our youth, is being progressively defunded and devalued.
Basic medical care is a “benefit” requiring employment, or affordable only by
the very wealthy; medical expenses remain the primary cause of personal
bankruptcies. Government regulations protecting Americans’ health, economic
competitiveness, and the environment we live and play in, have become a nasty nuisance
to be shredded in the acquisition of unrestrained business profit; one person’s
stifling regulation is another person’s safety valve protection.
Ex-Speaker Newt Gingrich declared war on the federal
government in 1995; Majority Leader Mitch McConnell upped that ante with a “Party
over Country” strategy in 2008 with his “oppose everything Obama” stance;
Democrats now exercise their own tit-for-tat negative block voting. Lying,
ridicule, and character assassination have replaced substantive debate; facts
are “fake news” in order to hide uncomfortable truths. Science has been
downgraded into personal opinions. Name-calling and slurs of all types dominate
headlines; ugliness has found its voice, as exemplified at Charlottesville. “Enemies”
are seen all around us – the government, the media, corporations and businesses,
religions, entertainment. A minority of rogue actors discolor most all
professions, including politicians, medical and pharmaceutical executives, police
and the law. The pursuit of power and
wealth, rather than substance, drives the political landscape. The strategy is
to emphasize our divisions, even creating division where there was none,
thereby giving voice to extreme positions on all sides instead of searching for
common ground. National and international leadership is defined as “loyalty
above all” and just telling people – and other nations – what to do, rather
than inspiring them by positive example appealing to our better selves. One
cannot effectively lead with mid-30s% approval ratings; a nation cannot be
properly governed with a 55-60% voter turnout.
“We have met the
enemy, and it is us.” —Pogo (comic strip
How do we get out of this discouraging mess? By remembering
our history. We have come out of tough times before, and we can come out of
these times also. But history also tells us that it will not happen
automatically, by default. We have to work hard to find our way out. We have to
make it happen, not wait for someone else to do it for us. In many ways, living
under Kings/Queens was easier: they simply made a decision, the royal court
carried out the decision, and the people did what they were told without
question. Governing was someone else’s job. Thirteen English colonies rebelled
against that system, and had the audacity to say “we will govern ourselves.”
Whether we are actually capable of doing it for ourselves has always been a key
question inherent within our Constitution. It is a key question now facing us
in these times.
Our solutions start with each of us acting as we wish our
government and politicians to act. If we decry the partisanship environment,
then what are we doing each day to act bi-partisanly? If we decry a lack of
civility in our national conversations, what are we doing each day to speak
civilly to one another? If we decry others’ lack of respect for our concerns,
what respect are we showing for their concerns? If “they” are so wrong, what
are we also possibly wrong about? If we are so right, what are “they” potentially
right about? When our politicians state falsehoods in their quest for votes, do
we challenge them for their proof and present our proof? Do we hold them – and
ourselves – accountable for the hypocrisy that is spoken and acted? When
political candidates talk about wanting to “work across the aisle,” that answer
is usually obfuscated rhetoric designed to avoid
the bi-partisan question while implicitly blaming “the other guy” for not
cooperating. Instead, demand specific ideas for specific legislation or action,
or ask for specific examples of bi-partisan actions (e.g. jointly sponsored
legislation) and vote against that candidate if s/he does not provide them.
We do not change things by sitting on the sidelines. We do
not change things by clinging to our own self-righteous convenient beliefs,
challenging others without challenging ourselves. We do not change things by
thinking small and avoiding the larger picture. I suggest we search out and
find the broad and substantive thinkers. Discern between those people truly
sacrificing in order to do good, and those demagogues and charlatans seeking our
attention and money to benefit themselves. Choose to be part of a national
conversation, not a shouting match. Call out and reject that which is said and
done that is not acceptable and respectful conduct.
Nothing worthwhile will be accomplished while we are just insulting
and yelling at each other. Seek the evidence; listen before speaking; find the
worthwhile substance in opposite opinions. Then we can conclude, speak
factually without malice, provide substantive ideas instead of complaints, and
finally – act. Perhaps in that process
we can figure out what kind of a country we truly are: the nasty selfish
country we seem to have dangerously become, or the generous welcoming country
we have always aspired to be.
“Be the change you
wish to see in the world.” —Mahatma Gandhi
Are we just interested in making noise, or making things
work for one another. Are we in fact what we object to? Or are we what we
aspire to see and be?
© 2018
Randy Bell www.ThoughtsFromTheMountain.blogspot.com