In 1973/74, America experienced its worst constitutional
crisis since the Civil War. The Watergate affair that brought down Richard
Nixon was the grand finale of a nation torn apart for 15 years by divisive
issues of civil rights, the upset of the established social order, a generational
revolution, nine years of a seemingly endless no-win war, and governing by
political assassination. It was an ugly time that shaped a world and domestic view
for generations.
Near the end of this historical arc, a band of Nixon
campaign operatives hatched a plan to hack the Democratic National Committee.
Given the technology of the day (pre-personal computers), it was intended to be
a burglary of paper records. Unfortunately for the team, but fortunately for
the country, they got caught in the act. What could have been a footnote in
history instead became the baseline for measuring government cover-up and
illegality at the highest levels.
A small crime story attracted the attention of a few investigative
journalists, then gradually many. A judge looked at the simple burglary case
and decided, “there is more here,” and proceeded to press out the larger facts.
Thus began a journey down a path of cover-up, bribery, and lies that went well
beyond the original story and cast of characters. Finally, a Special Prosecutor
was appointed to pursue what was the role of high government officials in
conducting illegal activities, and who were those individuals. Concurrently, a
bipartisan Senate Committee was formed to conduct a similar inquiry, ultimately
asking the question, “What did the President know, and when did he know it?”
The Special Prosecutor did his work doggedly as he went
after the full facts of the Watergate break-in. As did the Senate committee as it
brilliantly personified our best bipartisanship. And then the day came when the
Special Prosecutor pushed for access to the Nixon tapes of private White House
conversations – tapes that ultimately held the “smoking gun” of Nixon’s
collusion in the Watergate cover-up. As a last-ditch attempt to try to protect
himself, the President fired the chief accuser, along with the Attorney General
and Deputy Attorney General who had refused to carry out Nixon’s termination
order. “Time to move on” was the President’s mantra. In the end, the courts
ruled Nixon had to turn over the tapes and obey the law. In the public reaction
that followed, Nixon was done. To save himself from certain impeachment, Nixon
resigned – the only President to do so. In the end, he was in fact a crook. A
cadre of his associates went to prison; others had damaged reputations to
rebuild. The cover-up far exceeded the original crime.
44 years later, a similar story is eerily recurring on our
TV/computer screens. A group of “dirty tricksters” (i.e. Russians) is caught
trying to unduly influence a presidential election by nefarious means. A top
campaign aide – Michael Flynn, intended to become a top security aide – is
caught lying about his conduct and relationship with that group; lies
unwittingly repeated to the public by the Vice President. A career Department
of Justice official and Acting Attorney General – Sally Yates – who brings
knowledge of this deception to the White House Counsel is fired by the
President shortly thereafter, ostensibly for another reason while her role with
the Flynn issue goes publicly unacknowledged. The accusations against Flynn languished
for nearly three weeks until the press digs out the story. Only then did Trump
fire Flynn – not for his actions and connections, but for lying to the Vice
President. Senate and House committee investigations pop up looking into the
extent of Russian dirty tricks and various Trump-campaign and Russian
connections. Only this time the Watergate bipartisanship and “pursuit of Truth”
are not as evident. Once again, a President blames “the Media” for inflaming
the story. He sends out a multitude of denials of any wrong-doing by anyone –
all while continuing to sing the praises of Flynn. Then, following public
testimony by FBI Director James Comey confirming criminal investigations of Trump
associates, and the stunningly capable testimony of Sally Yates about the White
House handling of the Flynn issue, Trump moves into action. He does his usual
Twitter impugning of Yate’s character, which falls flat given the credibility
and authenticity of her testimony. But more importantly, he fires Comey – the
chief investigator. “Time to move on” was once again a President’s mantra. Journalists
were sent scrambling to the newsreel vaults looking at the Nixon archives.
Ostensibly, Comey was fired for his handling of Hillary
Clinton’s email issue, conduct Trump had praised on the campaign trail. This is
all very old news, and beyond credulity that Trump cares one twit about
fairness to Hillary. Trump’s decision was also purported to be based upon advice
from a newly installed Deputy Attorney General as a way to give the FBI “a
fresh start.” Yet he was told to put that recommendation in writing by Trump
who had already decided to fire Comey a week earlier. The recommendation was
also endorsed by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who had supposedly recused
himself from any involvement in the FBI’s Russian investigation – hence the
made up “cover story” of the Clinton email handling. Once again, the man
leading the investigation into the actions of the President and his aides was
fired by that President. Once again a White House and his agency appointees
have little remaining credibility regarding the investigations. But as of this
time it is unclear whether there is a Congressional Committee, or court system,
prepared to defend the rule of Law and pursuit of Truth.
We have watched this pattern from Trump for two years now. He
is a man who lives in a protective bubble of a self-created image who will
defend that bubble at all cost. He will exaggerate, lie, deny, or accuse his
accusers however necessary, and without accountability, to protect that bubble.
It is now clear that he will also simply disbelieve counsel from agency
professionals, and will even fire anyone who comes bearing bad news or
threatens to puncture Trump’s bubble. Since virtually none of the cover story
is believable, we are left only with conjecture and speculation about what
collusion and ill-doings have happened in this White House.
Clearly Mike Flynn is in a heap of trouble for his actions,
non-declarations, and lies to cover them up. But one also to ask, what makes
him seek immunity for “telling what else he knows?” And why does Trump continue
to keep speaking so positively about him? Clearly other Trump campaign people
are hiding something, and the FBI and Senate investigations are closing in on
them. Else how could they have known in advance of the forthcoming DNC email
leaks? And why would Trump have so forcefully announced during the campaign,
“Russia, if you are listening – and I hope you are – I hope you find Hillary’s
missing 40,000 emails,” unless he was aware of Russian hacking? Where else
would such an off-the-wall statement come from?
This is not a witch hunt. This is not made up stuff.
Supposed “fake news” media reporting has, over time, been consistently
confirmed. There is substance of some kind here. But by following the Nixon
playbook almost to the letter, Donald Trump invites speculation and encourages
accusations. At no time has Trump cooperated or been forthcoming with any
investigation. Instead, he has actively tried to block the investigations or create
more phony side distractions. Firing from behind Presidential barricades of
silence or unsupportable explanations never works out in the end. The
bloodhounds and “Woodward & Bernstein wanna-bes” have been turned loose;
things will begin to move more quickly, with tentacles reaching out many
directions. Eliminating the investigators just confirms that something needs to
be hidden. We have seen this movie before. We know how it ended. If the sequel
insists on following the original script, we already know how this will also end.
Firing those you legally can will not stop the investigations. It will actually
encourage those you cannot fire. Trying to block a legal investigation did not
work for Nixon, and it will not work for Trump. In the end, it will be every
man and woman for themselves. At which time Trump’s defensive wall will come
down, one brick at a time, opening a window into life behind the facade. The
bubble will finally burst. Then what?
It is an important story of one shoe after another
continuing to drop that we all need to follow closely. It matters.
© 2017
Randy Bell